First impressions are everything. Once I moved into my house, I knew one of the first projects to focus on was decorating the front foyer. Not only does it require little furniture due to it's pint size, it also makes the first impression when people enter my abode. See how I was able to transform . . .
Adding Small Touches
I think it's safe to say that the bulk of major renovations are complete in my home (insert sigh of relief)! Lately, I am completely focused on decorating the space. I can't help myself but to shop for home decor every second I can. Like, seriously. I may be addicted. As far as large furniture . . .
Montreal’s Opus Hotel – Pretty Darn Cool!
Ah, Montreal. You are so beautiful and progressive. Three out of four days, we had rain (like pouring rain!) but with our optimistic vacation attitude, Nick and I made the most of it! One of the weekend highlights was my birthday night spent at the Opus Hotel. As per Montreal's reputation, the . . .
French Toile and Montreal
I am in a great know that anxious/excited feeling you get days before a vacation?...that is how I am feeling today! I am anxiously waiting on a weekend getaway with Nick to Montreal. We went last year for my 30th birthday and decided to do it again this year. So for my 31st, we will . . .