This blogs is definitely the “first” in so many ways; first blog post, first home, first renovation project (and that is hoping that there are many more to come!).
Let’s focus on the fact that I have bought a house. I have bought a house. I have bought a house. I do this to remind myself it’s happening because reality hasn’t quite set in. Likely because it’s not technically mine yet, and therefor, I haven’t felt the financial turmoil I keep hearing so much about. All in one weekend, I turned 30 and bought this house so you can imagine how I felt; excitement, nervousness and a whole lotta denial! Basically it was like the gates of “adulthood” were wide open with cheerleaders lined up to the entrance chanting, “Krista! Krista!”. Once I take possession, at the end of August, the nervousness and excitement will truly be on me.
The best way to introduce this 1920’s house, is just to show you it’s out dated self. At first glance, I know what you’re thinking…yes, it has a cute front porch. Yes, it has an ugly barn style roof. And yes, the current home owners apparently don’t believe in gardening. All that aside, this small, quaint and sweet little dwelling will soon become a diamond in the rough once I am done with it, or I hope so.
Because this is my first house and renovation, I am quickly learning the long list of “to-dos” before the house is actually mine (this is likely not the most gratifying shopping investment, now is it?). Architects, surveyers, lawyers, inspectors, mortgage brokers, realtors…and the list can go on.

I have decided to focus my excitement on the design process before “reality” hits. Pushing the legal jargon to the back and instead, I am going to draft plans for the architect, cause I need him first and for most!
More interior pictures to come…once I draw up some plans, review them, send to architect, fill out papers for lawyers and set up a survey for the property….(all that to be explained later, but doesn’t it make you tired just thinking about it?)…but first, check out one of the best finds in the house; the red front door! It was love at first sight!